So now the prize pot of the 10,000 rep challenge is now 5,000 coins, maybe more to come Scroll down for proof that I have 5K Here is the link where it'll be taking place. This fantastic Halloween deal, I was able to rack up 3,500 coins in just 2 days with little effort.Charge Water Orb: 56 3 30 1: 56 Enchantment Standard Heals the caster for 25% of the damage inflicted on the target. Blood Rush: 56 1 2 2: 33 Combat Ancient Maximum of 16 damage per cast. Converts items into more coins than Low Level Alchemy, equal to the value if the item was sold at a specialty shop.8 ball pool Diamond Rush Free Rewards Claim Free Cue Avatar Chat pack. Coin master new event diamond Rush bole to wow. A partial explanation is to be found in the diamond rush that started around 1954 and took at its height approximately 60,000 Sierra Leonese, mainly menwbetween 6 and 10 of the male adult population in their best ages, from the farms to the diamond areas for most of the year.